It's one of the best places to holiday for sun and beach lovers!

Mazarrón is set in a wide bay that opens up into the Mediterranean and has a coastline of 35 km. It has two important urban centres: the port and the town capital, five kilometres from the coast. Since its origin, the name of Mazarrón has been linked to the mining wealth of its mountain ranges, which are rich in lead, zinc, silver, iron, alum and red ochre.
In Phoenician, Punic and Roman times, great work was carried out in the mines, leaving behind an abundance of archaeological remains. The Arabs also settled in the area, attracted by its mineral wealth. After the Christian Reconquest, the place known as Casas de los Alumbres de Almazarrón was formed as a consequence of the mines that were opened in the 15th century. Its strategic position turned it into a bastion of defence of the neighbouring lands of Lorca and Cartagena, proof of which may be seen in the numerous defence towers that were built to stop the Saracen advance from Africa.

Mazarrón became very important at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th, during which time iron and galenite were mined. Once the wealth of the mines had been exhausted, Mazarrón developed an important tourist industry and agriculture, and at the same time, promoted its seafaring and fishing tradition. This activity can be seen in the port, with its fish market and shallow-water fishing boats.
As the result of its rich history, the streets of Mazarrón contain interesting monuments. Of special interest are its Town Hall and the Former Cultural Centre, which are of Modernist style and stand as indications of the splendour of the beginning of the century. Behind the Town Hall is the church of San Andrés (16th century), with a beautiful Mudejar coffered ceiling and nearby, the Convent of La Purísima (the patron saint of the town). It is also possible to visit the ruins of the Castle of the Vélez family. Out of the town, there are other towers, such as the Torre de Vieja de la Cumbre (17th century) in the port, the Tower of Los Caballos and the Tower of Santa Isabel in Bolnuevo and, on the hill of El Molinete, a watchtower with a circular layout.

Besides the wealth of monuments, Mazarrón offers beautiful places which stand along the 35 km of its coastline and enjoy the protection of its 300 days of sunshine per year and average temperature of 20ºC. Opposite the Beach of Bolnuevo is one of the most spectacular landscapes of the region, where, on white sandstone, the erosion of the wind and the water has sculpted beautiful shapes, known as Bolnuevo Erosions. Beaches such as La Reya, Bahía, Nares or El Castellar and virgin coves such as Cala Amarilla, La Grúa Beach, Parazuelos, Covaticas, Ballenato, Percheles, etc., offer ideal conditions for beach and sea lovers or for those who enjoy long walks along the seashore.

Mazarrón is also the ideal place for enjoying a complete range of leisure possibilities, nautical activities and active tourism. The Mazarrón marina has 200 mooring points. In its regatta club, competition is combined with courses at beginners and advanced levels. It is also possible to practise rowing, sea paragliding, water-skiing and speedboat racing. Divers can also find many clubs that organise courses at all levels together with diving expeditions to enjoy the beauty of the rocky sea bottoms, spectacular underwater caves and grottos.

Mazarrón also has a great deal to offer the rural tourist in the way of scenery and the traditions of its mining and maritime past. Its protected natural areas of Sierra de las Moreras and La Muela Cabo Tiñoso offer the chance of getting closer to nature in an area of great environmental value and interest.

Top 10

Mazarrón is set in a wide bay which opens up into the Mediterranean Sea. Its coast used to be visited by Phoenician traders, fishermen of every era and by former miners, who used it to unwind after their hard day's work. It's one of the best places to holiday for sun and beach lovers!



Like what you'd expect to see in a science fiction movie, the Bolnuevo Erosions are spectacular. These eroded rock formations, that have been carved and sculpted by wind and water, are really worth a visit. It's the perfect place to enjoy the sea and nature and it's sure to impress you. Discover at the same time our coastline and unspoilt landscapes, the perfect place to enjoy the sea and nature and it's sure to impress you.



To find out all about Mazarrón involve to approach in its history and that of the people who once populated their lands. Must-see are the Interpretation Centre of the Phoenician Boat, the Archaeological Museum - Roman Salting Factory and the Tower of the Horses which take us back to different times of the past.



Are you ready to see some whales at high sea? Mazarrón bay is one of the best places to spot dolphins, sperm whales and pilot whales all from the comfort of a tranquil, vintage schooner whilst always respecting the animals and their natural habitat. If you're looking to explore the underwater world, then you should know that Mazarrón is one of the region's divers' paradises! Its crystal-clear waters and the variety of species it boasts make these depths the perfect place for beginners, as well as experienced divers. The diving centres and schools in the area provide lessons for every level, so even if you've never done it before, you'll pick it up easily.



If you are a hiking or cycling lover, Mazarrón and its surroundings offers exciting landscapes of great beauty with countryside and coastline contrasts: hiking trails, two MTB routes and the Vía Verde (the Greenway), all of them perfectly signposted. If you enjoy photography we suggest to visit the local Mining Reserves.



Mazarrón offers a wide variety of urban beaches, most have been awarded 'Q for Quality' distinction, and natural coves making this destination a perfect place to enjoy the sunshine hours by the Mediterranean Sea. Pet owners having particularly dogs, will be able to enjoy the three Dog-Friendly Beaches that have been especially enabled to them, one being the first Spanish "Canine Beach" awarded with the "Q for Quality" brand.



Another place you must visit is the Roman Salted Fish Factory, where part of the structures of this important industrial complex of the Roman period involved in the production of salted fish and fish sauces are preserved. ¡You will get to know the recipe for the famous 'Garum' fish sauce!



Located at the fishing quay, "La Lonja" (fish market) is another must-see of Mazarrón. The traditional fish auction take place from Monday to Friday and is an interesting spectacle that shows the true spirit of Mediterranean life. The "Lonja" is so relevant to the local people lives, that in summer the facilities hosts the Mass in honour to the Virgen del Carmen and is preceded by the popular maritime procession.



The popular festivals of Mazarrón bring together tradition with the joyful spirit of the local people. One of the most important festivities is the "Romería" and Fiestas of the Miracle, in which the Virgen de La Purísima is carried by the residents in a procession from Mazarrón to Bolnuevo. According to legend, the Virgen appeared to the Berbers and saved population from the attempted invasion!



Mazarrón's gastronomy is a delight for even the most demanding of palates. Dishes made from sea and land products, amongst the ones renowned the clawed lobster rice dishes or the tomato recipes, which is the star crop of the area. The Mediterranean Sea offers many delight bites such as the grouper, sea bream and other salted fishes. ¡Don't miss our 'moraga de sardinas' (grilled sardines)!



Mazarrón possess a number of civil monuments of great tourist interest. The Mining history told through the Mining Reserves, the Old Alum Factory, its coastal landscape marked by the watch-towers Torre de Santa Isabel, Torre de los Caballos and Torre del Molinete and its lordly Casas Consistoriales, constitute altogether part of the great historical heritage that are well worth visiting.

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What to do

Eventos en Mazarrón

24 ENE

31 DIC

Diving in and around puerto ...


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07 ABR

31 DIC

Five spectacular sunsets ...


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28 JUN

31 DIC

Murcia tourist authorities ...


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05 AGO

31 DIC

217 kilometres of cycling ...


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10 AGO

31 DIC

Official caravan and motor ...


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01 OCT

31 DIC

De-stress at the fabulous ...


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16 FEB

31 DIC

The gun battery of castillitos, ...


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10 ABR

31 DIC

Three great boating experiences ...


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11 MAY

31 DIC

Where is the Finest view ...


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17 MAY

16 AGO

August 16 mazarron celebrates ...


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12 JUN

31 DIC

Six great family days out ...


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10 JUL

23 JUN

June 23 free guided hike ...


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11 JUL

22 JUN

June 22 rescue the time traveller ...


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25 JUL

23 JUN

June 8 and 23 guided tours ...


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28 SEP

31 DIC

Health, beauty and relaxation ...


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05 OCT

31 OCT

New pilgrimage and walking ...


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23 OCT

31 DIC

10 unique natural wonders ...


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02 NOV

14 SEP

Until september 14 el prodigio ...


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18 DIC

31 DIC

Traditional Festive confectionary ...


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27 FEB

31 DIC

5 natural monuments in the ...


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06 MAR

31 DIC

Enjoy the great outdoors ...


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